Neglecting Your AC System Is a Serious Offense!


Our End-of-Season Tune-Ups Put Units on the Right Path

Are you looking for a little relief from those 100-degree temperatures we’ve been experiencing this summer? We sure are! That’s why we’re excited that September has arrived. Sure, it’s still hot. But cooler weather is just around the corner.

As you wait for the temperatures to drop, now is the perfect time to provide your air conditioner with a little TLC. After all, it’s been working overtime all summer long—especially this season, with many of us spending more time in our homes because of the pandemic. Scheduling a tune-up today will allow the good guys at Texas Air Authorities to find—and fix—small issues before they escalate into major problems that could require residential AC replacement service in Grand Prairie, TX, or wherever you call home.

It’s so important to listen to our AC systems. They often “speak” to us when they need a late-season tune-up. Here are just some of the ways in which they communicate:

  • Higher energy costs. This is a telltale sign that your system is working overtime. That means your AC is not operating efficiently and you are not getting the best bang—or greatest comfort—for your buck.
  • Warm air. If your thermostat is set properly, but warm air is coming out of your vents, it’s time to call in the good guys at Texas Air Authorities to investigate.
  • Weak airflow. The evidence suggests this is the result of a leaky duct or clogged filter.
  • Fluctuating temperatures from room to room. Sunlight, insulation and airtight windows can cause inconsistent temperatures. However, a faulty air conditioner could be the culprit. We’ll help you get to the truth.
  • A short cycling unit. The typical full cycle for an AC system is roughly 15 minutes. A compressor that is turning on and off every 10 minutes or less is robbing you of the comfort you deserve. Let us fix this injustice.
  • Strange noises. Odd noises spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
  • Musty smells. This could mean your outdoor compressor has a broken, blocked or leaking drain tube. Time to call us!
  • Delayed TLC. If your system hasn’t been serviced in over a year, give us a call. Periodic maintenance is the best ammunition you have to keep your system running efficiently and affordably. During the visit, our sharpshooters also catch little infractions before they escalate into major, costlier offenses.

Don’t Delay! Call Texas Air Today!

We’re the skilled and experienced team with a full arsenal of heating, cooling and indoor air quality weapons, including our crackerjack residential AC replacement service in Mansfield TX, and beyond. When you need us, give us a jingle at (817) 557-1035 or fill out our online form.

The post Neglecting Your AC System Is a Serious Offense! appeared first on Texas Air Authorities |

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