Protect You and Your Loved Ones From This Silent Killer


9 Steps to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Buildup, Poisoning

Here at Texas Air Authorities, we’re all about keeping the peace when it comes to your cooling, heating and indoor air quality needs. We believe part of our job is educating you about the potential bad guys out there that can jeopardize your health and safety. One of the most insidious threats is carbon monoxide.

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, invisible gas that can invade your home and harm your loved ones. It cannot be ignored because it is a potential killer. The good news is that we’re here to provide you with some of the ammunition necessary to keep everyone out of the line of fire. One way to do that is to rely on our trusted heater repair service in Arlington, TX, or wherever you call home. (More on that later.)

Common Household Appliances Can Generate CO

Carbon monoxide is produced when natural gas, propane, kerosene, gasoline and other fuels are not completely burned. The most common source is exhaust from vehicles. However, this deadly gas also can be discharged by furnaces, kerosene heaters, gas and charcoal grills, small gas engines—even camp lanterns and stoves.

Roughly 400 people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although we are all susceptible, infants, people 65 or older and those with asthma and other breathing problems are the most vulnerable. Your risk is higher during the winter season.

When your furnace or other unit is not properly adjusted and used in an area with poor ventilation, carbon monoxide can build up in your bloodstream and replace your supply of oxygen. This can result in asphyxiation.

Keep Close Watch for These Warning Signs

You should seek immediate medical help if you notice these common symptoms:

  • Fatigue, nausea or vomiting
  • Severe and persistent dizziness or headaches
  • Weakness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Relief from symptoms when you leave your home

Remember: carbon monoxide is an odorless, invisible gas. So it’s important to act when you notice these systems. Make sure everyone is out of the house, call the Poison Control Center at (817) 557-1035 (or 911) and seek medical attention immediately.

Take Preventive Action

Here are some of the steps you can take to avoid the buildup of carbon monoxide:

  1. Make sure your home is equipped with smoke detectors and Underwriters Laboratory-approved carbon monoxide monitors on every level. Choose a regular time to check the batteries, such as when you adjust your clocks in the spring and fall.
  2. Evacuate immediately and call 911 if your CO monitor alarms continuously. If it alarms off and on, change the batteries.
  3. Evacuate immediately and call the Poison Control Center if you experience symptoms of CO poisoning.
  4. Schedule regular service for your heating system. The crackerjack sharpshooters at Texas Air Authorities will be happy to ride on over and perform this important task.
  5. Schedule routine checkups for your water heater and any other appliances fueled by gas, oil, wood or coal, too.
  6. Never use a generator, grill or other gasoline- or charcoal-powered devices inside your home, garage, basement or near a window. Your generator should be at least 20 feet away from your home when in operation.
  7. Never operate vehicles inside the garage, even when doors are open.
  8. Never heat your home with the gas stove.
  9. Don’t burn anything in a fireplace or stove without proper ventilation.

The good guys at Texas Air Authorities care about you and your family. We’ve got you covered when it comes to keeping your HVAC system running smoothly, affordably and, most importantly, safely. Call us today to schedule your heating system checkup, heater repair or heater replacement service in Arlington, TX, or nearby. Give us a jingle at (817) 557-1035 or fill out our online form.

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