Four Ways to Woo Your Heating System


Keep the Romance Alive With Help From Our Crackerjack Team

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If your furnace fails,
You’ll be blue, too!
Author Known

OK. We confess. It’s probably not as memorable as these classic lines from Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “Sonnet 43”: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” But the good guys at Texas Air Authorities are rather proud of our first attempt at a love poem.

It’s that time of year again—time to romance your best guy or gal with flowers, candy, a fancy dinner, soft music, glasses of the bubbly and, if you’re as talented (cough, cough) as we are, an original poem expressing your undying love. After all, you should never take for granted or neglect the one you love. And, while this might not be at the top of your priority list, it’s also important not to neglect your heating system or take it for granted. Failure to give your unit the attention it deserves can result in an unexpected breakup and a desperate scramble for heater replacement service in Mansfield, TX or wherever you call home.

We’ll Do the Hard Work

At Texas Air Authorities, we have the skills and experience to give your furnace or heat pump the love and attention it needs for a long-lasting relationship. Our routine maintenance service includes the thorough inspections and tune-ups that result in reliable, affordable, efficient and cozy comfort through the chilly months here in the Arlington area. When you tap into one of our maintenance plans, we call out the cavalry to flag any minor infractions before they escalate into major (and more expensive) offenses. Our technicians are the sharpshooters you want on the case to keep your heating system running as smoothly and affordably as possible. They will pinpoint potential problems and choose the weapon needed for a crackerjack solution.

If you count cozy, reliable warmth among your true loves, here are just some of the ways you can show appreciation to your heating system:

  • Wrap up this present. Give your system a new, sparkling clean filter to replace that old, dirty one. This will keep your system running efficiently and free of gunk that can affect your indoor air quality. Plus, a new filter can extend your HVAC unit’s life and help cut energy use by 5 to 10 percent.
  • Plan a date night. Schedule a rendezvous between one of our sharpshooter technicians and your HVAC unit. You’ll be glad you played matchmaker.
  • Avoid one-night stands. Build upon “date night” with a maintenance plan that will bring our technician back to your doorstep regularly. We won’t bring candy and flowers. But we’ll bring all of the sweet treats (and sweet deals) needed to keep your HVAC system up and running this year—and for years to come.
  • Clear the dance floor. Make sure air vents in your home are not blocked by curtains, furniture or other large items. These items can prevent proper ventilation and can result in unreliable, inefficient, costlier heat.

If your heart has been broken by a home comfort provider whose sweet talk led to nothing but broken promises, trust the good guys at Texas Air Authorities. We’re faithful, true and darn good at what we do. From our top-notch residential heater replacement service in Grand Prairie, TX to our superior air conditioning repair, replacement and installation service in Mansfield, TX, we’re the team you’ll fall in love with—over and over again.

Ready to find your true love? Give us a jingle at (817) 557-1035 or fill out our online form.

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