September Ideal Time to Put Your Heater in the Hot Seat


Top-to-Bottom Inspection Can Improve Comfort, Save Loot

When this year’s school calendar was being planned last fall, the Arlington School District considered an Aug. 28 start date — one week later than usual. Parents were outraged, mainly because the change would have disrupted winter holiday plans and delayed the start of summer vacation. The school board revisited the plan and the first day of school was adjusted to Aug. 21.

The controversy is an important reminder about how failing to stick to a schedule and putting things off can throw everything out of whack. The same holds true for your HVAC system. When you fail to map out a maintenance schedule and follow it, unexpected problems can crop up, including glitches that require heater repair service in Mansfield, TX, and beyond.

Stand Watch Against the Bad Guys

Speaking of heating repairs, September might seem too early to get your heating system ready for the cold season ahead. Heck, this is Texas and it’s still pretty darn hot. But the sharpshooters at Texas Air Authorities know for a fact that it’s actually the ideal time because you can chase away the bad guys that threaten your heating system now before they can do major damage during the colder winter months ahead.

Texas Air Authorities is your go-to heating maintenance service provider if you live in Arlington, Grand Prairie, Mansfield, Kennedale and beyond. Smart homeowners know that routine maintenance is a critical piece of evidence when building a case for indoor comfort in the colder months.

Tough Questions Yield Valuable Answers

First, when you allow our trained and experienced technicians to give your system the third-degree, they will force your unit to spill the beans. They’ll find all of the places where your system is reliable and able to hold up under pressure. But, more importantly, they’ll uncover all of the places where your system is on the fence and vulnerable to attack.

Then, our team will get to work. We’ll fix the cracks in the case whenever possible. We’ll never recommend a replacement when a reliable repair will do. So, when we impose a death sentence on your heater, you’ll know for sure that it’s beyond hope. But don’t worry. Texas Air is the authority when it comes to professional heater replacements and installations.

We’re Your Reinforcements

Routine inspections of your heating system will expose the minor disturbances before they spiral out of control into full-blown assaults. Sure, minor repairs cost money. But they are a wise investment because they prevent serious, costlier repairs and breakdowns further down the road. When you need reliable heating repair service in Grand Prairie, TX, and throughout the Arlington area, count on us.

There’s another important way our maintenance services save you money. They keep your system running as efficiently as possible, reducing your energy bills. You want to protect as much of your loot as possible, don’t you? Well, we’re the good guys who can help you do that.

At Texas Air Authorities, we have three flexible and affordable maintenance plans to protect all of the weapons in your heating and cooling arsenal—along with your loot: Bronze Star, Silver Star and Gold Star. Call us at (817) 557-1035 to learn the details or to schedule an appointment.

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