Don’t Let Those Haunting Noises Disturb Your Peace


Texas Air Authorities Will Wrangle Up the Fix You Need

It’s that time of year again when the less-squeamish among us enjoy being scared out of our wits. Nothing says scary as effectively as a spine-tingling haunted house. And no haunted house is complete without spooky sound effects—wild howling, blood-curdling screams, creaky floors and creepy music.

We expect to hear those and other scary noises pouring out of haunted houses. But we don’t expect to hear them spilling out of our heating systems. Unexpected rattling, clanging and banging can be downright spooky—and not the fun kind of spooky. Still, when it happens at your house, don’t panic. Texas Air Authorities, the fastest draw and finest HVAC repair service in Grand Prairie, TX, and throughout the Arlington area is on the job and ready to bail you out. We’re the good guys and we’ve got you covered.

Here are some of the noises your central heating system might make and possible explanations for why you’re being haunted:

  • Kettling: You probably find it soothing to hear the sound of water boiling in a kettle on the stove. But when your heating system makes this sound, it’s far from a relaxing experience. This noise is often caused by lime scale deposits that build up on the heat exchange and restrict water flow. Sludge, the gunk that forms in your heating system, can also cause kettling. If the problem becomes serious enough, your system may need to be powerflushed. Other causes of kettling include a system that has been improperly installed or one that’s been set incorrectly.
  • Banging: Your heating pipes expand and contract as water passes through them. You might hear banging noises if they haven’t been fitted properly. You also could hear banging if your boiler is too large for the space or if a pump is stuck and needs to be replaced.
  • Tapping: This could be caused by a part that’s been fitted incorrectly or a buildup of lime scale deposits, especially if you have hard water.
  • Gurgling: When your radiators make a gurgling sound, it usually means there is a buildup of air. Bleeding them is a simple process and often solves the problem. If the problem persists, it’s probably something more serious that requires professional attention.
  • Humming: Many heating systems, especially older units, hum quietly when they’re operating, which is nothing to worry about. But sometimes the humming kicks into high gear. If that happens, you should call in the professionals to diagnose and fix the problem.
  • Dripping: This sound probably means your system is leaking somewhere. It’s another situation where you should contact the professionals to diagnose and repair the problem. Some possible causes are faulty parts or pressure that’s too high.

Strange noises aren’t the only signs of trouble when it comes to your heating systems. Other evidence of unrest includes little or no heat, inefficiency, foul odors and unexpectedly high energy bills.

When you hear strange noises or notice any other problems, you need to exorcise those demons. Texas Air Authorities is the HVAC maintenance service in Grand Prairie, TX, and beyond with the most experienced technicians and largest arsenal of ammunition to investigate and solve your case. We’ll round up the culprits and bring them to justice. We’ll safeguard your comfort and restore your peace—literally.

From AC replacement and installation to furnace repair, our crackerjack team can handle all of your HVAC and indoor air quality needs. Give us a jingle at (817) 557-1035 or visit us on the web.

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